Tentang KJH

“Kimeko” is taken from the KJH Founder’s name Kim & Eko, “Jasa” means services, and “Handal” according to the Indonesian Dictionary, means trust. With this philosophy, we believe we will become a Business Partner that clients can trust.
Since our establishment in 2017, Our mission has been to support our clients to achieve their goals by creating value in performance. KJH has a team of tax and accounting experts with years of experience in large companies and various industries. They have a deep understanding of the company and industry in today’s changing corporate environment and are equipped with sufficient capabilities to provide the best-customized services in various professional fields.
Kimeko Jasa Handal, as the name goes, will always be the right solution for your business exigencies. We will harmonize our unique talents, passions, integrity, dignity, and vast stores of knowledge and experience to satiate and surpass your every business need.
Kami berharap dapat bekerja sama dengan Anda, dan mendoakan kesuksesan dan kebahagiaan dalam Bisnis anda.
Misi Kami
Kami mendukung klien kami untuk mencapai tujuan perusahaan.
Visi Kami
- Memberikan layanan kepada klien dengan cara yang solutif dan profesional
- Berintegritas dan Berkompetensi
- Cepat, Responsif, Akurat dan Profesional